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Oncology Support

Navigating cancer treatment requires addressing both the physical aspects of the disease and the accompanying emotional and psychological effects. Acupuncture offers a supportive complimentary treatment to traditional oncology care, providing relief and support through the challenges of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

What does oncology support with acupuncture look like?

Oncology support with acupuncture involves using this ancient Chinese medical practice to complement traditional cancer treatments.

Acupuncture is administered by inserting fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the nervous system and enhance the body's natural healing responses.

In the context of oncology, acupuncture is tailored to address the side effects of cancer treatments, help manage pain, and improve overall well-being.

What are the benefits of acupuncture treatment for cancer?

Acupuncture provides several benefits for patients undergoing cancer treatments, including:

What are the risks associated with acupuncture for cancer treatment?

While acupuncture is a safe practice when administered by a qualified practitioner, there are a few considerations for oncology patients. It's essential to use sterile, single-use needles to minimise any risk of infection, particularly for those with compromised immune systems.

Additionally, patients with low blood counts or those taking blood thinners should be monitored closely to manage any rare instances of bleeding. Also, acupuncture should be carefully applied to areas affected by surgical removal of lymph nodes to prevent lymphedema.

These risks are minimal with proper care and do not generally detract from acupuncture's significant benefits to oncology patients.

Acupuncture offers a promising complementary therapy for those undergoing cancer treatments, providing physical and emotional relief in managing the side effects of conventional oncological therapies.

However, it is essential to consult with your oncologist and seek treatment from a licensed acupuncturist, like Gideon, who is experienced in oncology support, to ensure the best care and to mitigate any risk associated with the treatment.

Get in touch today to book your consultation and take the first step towards a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

During the initial consultation, the patient's comprehensive medical history and current medical condition will be evaluated to result in a diagnosis. A treatment plan and strategy will then be discussed and planned. The initial consultation includes a treatment and generally takes about an hour.